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Hey, business owners:

6x your revenue by building a funnel. Revamp your launch strategy. Rebrand. Complete a social media challenge. Take a course. Your mindset is the problem.


Take my hard-earned knowledge!

I’m giving it away fo’ free.


37 SUPER-easy ways to increase your revenue (without being "salesy").

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You don’t need to do it all. You just need help figuring out what to do next to grow the type of business you want (one that doesn’t overwhelm you and still gives you consistent income).

Success isn’t doing more. It’s knowing what steps will get you closer to the results you want, and taking those steps.


You’re running your own friggin’ business! That’s no small feat, even if you got here sort of by accident.

Your clients are happy with your work, you’re good at what you do, and you’re getting paid decently well to do it.

Now, you want to hit new milestones, but you’re not sure where to start or how you’d do it with everything else on your plate…

  • You somehow feel overwhelmed AND like you’re not getting anything done at the same time.

  • To make the income you want, you need your business to grow, but you’re worried that if it does grow, you won’t be able to keep up with it.

  • You feel like your business is happening to you.

  • You know you need a marketing strategy. Or a revenue plan. Or some help. But you don’t know which of those things you need the most, or if it’s smart to invest any more before you get your shit together. You don’t know where to start.

Guess what? You’re in exactly the right place.

(No shocker there. I know we just met, but I can already tell you’re a super smart cookie.)

Let’s simplify your mountain of tasks, and give you mental clarity back.


That big, beautiful brain of yours is too important to live on the cusp of burnout

Let’s face it, running a small business feels a lot like being alone at a crowded party, and every business owner needs a trusty plus-one.

I’m the trusty plus-one.

I’ll team up with you like the co-founder you want and the thought partner you need.

No cookie-cutter formulas, shortcuts to the top, or “mindset” work here. Just a heaping dose of simplification (aka taking things off your plate/out of your brain space) strategic thinking, partnership, and accountability:

1:1 Intensives

Get clear on your path into reliable, steady business growth. Bring me on as your thought partner and chief strategist so we can get you there.


In this ongoing support program, you’ll get the individual and group support you need to go from vision to strategy to reality.

 Not sure which program is right for you (or if it’s the right time to invest in either)? I can help you figure it out! Book a free strategy call

 Instead of second guessing yourself, imagine you could spend your time and energy getting sh*t done that moves your business forward.

  • Attract more and better leads your way

  • Cut down your busywork

  • Lead to consistent revenue

  • Give you more free time to tend to your family, water your plants, or do whatever it is you like to do when you’re not worrying about your business. You’re a whole-ass person!

Let’s replace the cycle of self-doubt and burnout with the cycle of I’m-a-badass-who-knows-what-I’m-doing-and-I-have-the-results-to-prove-it.

Be your own boss!”, they said.

It’ll be fun!”, they said.

Sounds cool. In reality…

There are some wonderful things about running your own business. But having no sounding board or support is not one of them.

Enter your…

  • Accountability fairy godmother

  • Simplifier in chief

  • Personal permission slip to take the stuff that won’t move the needle off your plate

  • Boss you never thought you’d want but now wish you had.

Or, you know, you can just call me Frenchie.

It’s me, hi, I’m the solution it’s me.


10 years of experience working at startups like The Wing and NeueHouse taught me the difference between hustling in hopes that something you’re doing is working and knowing how to prioritize what does work. I left the corporate world because, frankly, I’d way rather share my skills and knowledge with small business owners like you.

And if you’ve read this far, I’m pretty sure we’d understand each other.


 You can succeed at this.

Don’t let the online self-doubt machine convince you otherwise.

You wouldn’t have started a business if you didn’t recognize that you had something valuable to offer. It’s the marketing/strategy/accountability stuff that’s the hard part. And that’s not because you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s because you quite literally can’t do it all.

So let’s make sure what you choose to do, counts.

(one more time)

Build a funnel. Revamp your marketing. Show up on social. Create a launch. Start an email list. Grow your email list. Invest in a course. Finish the courses you’ve already paid for. Grow your network. Utilize your network. Hire a designer. Hire a coach. Hire an OBM. Re-do your website. Implement your sales strategy. What strategy? Spiral into a hole of self-doubt. Consider closing your business altogether. Remind yourself how much you’ve already invested. Run through the mental list of things you should/could be doing.

Build a funnel. Revamp your marketing. Show up on social. Create a launch. Start an email list. Grow your email list. Invest in a course. Finish the courses you’ve already paid for. Grow your network. Utilize your network. Hire a designer. Hire a coach. Hire an OBM. Re-do your website. Implement your sales strategy. What strategy? Spiral into a hole of self-doubt. Consider closing your business altogether. Remind yourself how much you’ve already invested. Run through the mental list of things you should/could be doing.

 ↑ That shit’s overwhelming. It takes up lots of brain space. And your brain space is the most valuable thing you have. Let’s free it.