Why You Should Care About Clarity
I am so excited for this episode today to dive into a topic that I am obsessed with and a word that you've probably heard me say too much – clarity.
I have so much to say on this topic, but I just want to start with some context. It is a weird and sometimes interesting and sometimes incredibly infuriating world to be in a position where I'm positioning myself as an expert in all things business. While I don't think that I try to be an expert in all things, what I do try to focus on is this idea that I can help you clear the path to growth in your business.
The reason that I use that word, clear or clarity, anything kind of in that family, is not just because it's what I know I can do, but what I started to hear in the feedback from people who've been in business genius bootcamp, or who've been in my mastermind programs, who've come to my workshops, is they leave with a sense of clarity around the path forward in their business.
That is something I'm super proud of and also it's not always the sexiest thing. What I've realized is it's kind of what people need, but it's not really what people want. What people want is more money, what people need is more clarity.
That distinction is tricky and I don't really fall into the camp of the person who likes to do income report marketing or other such marketing tactics. If someone grows their revenue, I'm going to tell you about it. If someone improves their work-life balance, I'm going to tell you about it. But the common trend and the common theme that I've seen from the people that I work with is this clarity.
So what I really want to dig into today is why you should care about clarity. While I know that that in and of itself might not be the most appealing thing, I want to talk a little bit more about what are the benefits of being clear.
Revenue is just an output of doing the right work at the right time and clarity is the pathway to knowing what the right work is and when the right time for it is.
Clarity happens even more upstream than doing the right work at the right time. If you can't get clear on what work you need to do, you can't do the work and then you can't make the money.
The end goal, the output of all of these efforts, of all of the strategic partnerships of all of that, that output is the revenue, is the tangible, measurable outcomes that we want from our business. But there are a lot of components spokes to that wheel.
So clarity is important for a few reasons. First of all, one of the biggest gaps for business owners is confident decision-making. I see this time and time again – the person who is hemming and hawing over whether they should take path A or path B and as they get really wrapped up in that process, they don't know which way to go. Finding the tools that you need to build that clarity is going to make decision-making so much easier because it starts feeling like a crap shoot and it starts feeling like something that you actually have some agency over and some control over.
That is really, really big and I can't really speak enough to the importance of making decisions because decisions or lack thereof are the number one blocker of your business and your businesses ongoing growth and success.
Decisions kind of block you at the outset so clarity also matters in terms of the output and end goal that you have. When we have vague goals, it is impossible to really know what we're working towards, it's a moving target. The benchmarks keep changing. There is a femoral nature to where we're spending our time and energy. However, when you are clear about what your goal is you have key input into finding that clarity earlier on.
The second piece is getting clear on the goals. Now there is a third component that I could probably make like 72 episodes of Strategy Snacks on so I'm just going to skim the surface – But aside from decision-making and actually setting the goal and the outcome that you want, there's a third piece of clarity that when we don't tap into to the nuance of that, it can be problematic.
So that third component is the clarity of knowing what is real and what is a feeling. Like I said, this goes much deeper than what I'm going to say here, but what I want you to think about here for these circumstances is when you are thinking about your business as a whole and the self-doubt moment is really loud. That's going to feel really real and then you're going to make your choices from that place.
If you are feeling really good about your sales and you suddenly make a big investment and then your sales slow down, then you're feeling really stretched. This also comes from a lack of clarity. Sometimes our emotional fluctuations can deter from our ability to see from a steady state to look at the data and insights that we need in order to actually stay clear and focused on the strategy of how we're getting our business from point A to point B.
Clarity isn't just about feeling confident and clear in your business but learning how to get clear and how to kind of like get laser focused in the right areas of your business.
This is actually the linchpin in unlocking the domino effect of seeing the results that you want. So when I hear people tell me they got clarity out of my programs, while it isn’t necessarily sexy, what I'm really starting to see is that it is a much more valuable output and asset that pays back over and over again.
So when you think about your business today, what I want to encourage you to do is ask yourself: Where am I clear? Sometimes we're really clear on our offers, but we're fuzzy on our marketing… and what are my blind spots?
Often those two are diametrically opposed sometimes. We think we're clear on one thing and then the more we get into it, the more we're like, wait a minute. I'm actually not sure that that's working. So take a minute and ask yourself. Where am I clear? What are my blind spots? And when I look at my blind spots, what do I need to do to get more clear on those and how can I take that time so that I redirect my energy and time and efforts into the work that matters.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this topic. I know we have so much more to dig into. If you have questions, thoughts, ideas, anything you want to share about this, please connect with me so that we can chat more about it and we can create follow up episodes. Excited to hear your thoughts and I'll be back with more Strategy Snacks soon!